Leave a message

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68 thoughts on “Leave a message”

  1. Hi H love the photos. Are you trying to “leap in lots of locations”? You always seem to be leaping or lying! Thanks very much for calling on Sundays we look forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bye for now

  2. Hi you two! Following your travels, some great piccies , looking fit! Paul says get your hair cut boys! Where was the Cheltenham sign?
    Take care of each other, continue to have fun and Henry hope the van keeps going sweet even though you looked like you knew what was going on!
    lol, jplxxx

  3. Henry, weirdo, I can see in your noseholes! I’m hungry for some pics of Exit festival! send some news soon!
    Big love!

  4. Hi guys!
    It’s been a while since I heard from you, hope everything’s just fine…
    Here everything fine, but busybusy, working hard (2 jobs a day, 15à18 hrs of work, oh yeah!)
    Love your pics and hope to read some stories very soon!
    Do you already know if you are able to go through Iran?
    Hope to meet you the second week of september!
    Big love…
    (Rupert, about the yellow hat: suits you, sir! 🙂

  5. your van looks heavy!!!! avidly following your progress as ever, good to have photographic evidence of your safety and well-being! take care guys, keep enjoying xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. WAAAAAAAUW! Love your van! But still, don’t really like the thought of U guys being in Albania… Love you too much for that!
    Looking fit and healthy, keep it that way! I’m looking forward to meet you in september, so… let me know where you’ll be as soon as possible!!!
    Big kisses and mojito’s on da beach!
    Crazy Charly

  7. I hope that isn’t spike lying dead by the roadside?
    I had plans for him in my mediterranean garden.
    Like the photos. You both look well. Not sure about the van!
    Love Mum. X

  8. The first pic of you both under the brolly is fantastic how did you get the lighting so good. Mags recons its a setup.
    Hope you are both well.
    All our love

  9. Loving the email Rupert, by the way living with a rock star called Rupert at the mo (he likes to call himself Ru – rock n roll!!!) Check him out on myspace – called Pirate Casino. Having a look thru ur photos now and will email u properly soon. Gd luck with the Visa – be safe x

  10. Not sure if I have posted on here or not…….. Cheers for the email – photos look gd, i trained you well Daniel-son. Think a left a message on this site somewhere but can’t find it. Anyhoo will email u proper soon…….

  11. Hi there brown-skinned Englishmen! (what a contradiction! 🙂 )
    Did you go to Butterflyfestival? Looks nice to me! I don’t think I have all the pictures of Hungary, I’ve never even seen the new pics on your site!
    And, Henry, if you want me to come over, please let me know as soon as possible (my boss needs to know when I want to have some vacation!). I’m really bored of Belgium, because it’s already winter here, can you imagine!
    So…hope to hear from you really soon and wish you very good luck with getting visas! I really hope you can get to India in one rush (and a push 😉 )
    Big kisses

  12. I love the pictures of Turkey. The little kittens are especially cute.
    The crazy guy at 10 to 4 is a bit wierd but hey! And we have a picture of Rupert SMILING !
    Keep taking the photos.
    Lots of love
    Mum XX

  13. Great photos Rups – I love the kittens too! We are getting two on Wednesday – very excited after a year without a cat in the house! Have a great birthday whatever you do and wherever you are.

  14. Yet more great photos. I am so envious of you guys seeing all these fantastic places. I have always wanted to see Cappadoccia. Good luck in Iran. Post more pictures when you can.
    Love Mum XX

  15. Hi guys,

    How did your night go in the car park? Hope that all was fine …

    Hope that you managed to get to the bazaar with ease as well.

    Also, hope the rest of your stay in Iran will be pleasant

    Touraj (Tehran)

    PS- the Cuba deal is still on if my trades go ok 🙂

  16. *** WELCOME TO IRAN ***
    i love your van, what the funny pix on it
    have a very nice trip in IRAN, hope you guys a safe journey.

    Don’t miss visiting Teheran’s Grand Bazaar, very old bazaar in the heart of capital
    and also
    have a visit from ABYANEH, an ancient live town.

  17. Hi guys!
    This is to Sniff: I’ve never seen someone so happy with two icecreams! lovely picture! I also wish you a very happy birthday, although I know I’m a little late, but still…
    Iran looks very beautyfull, hope you also enjoy the rest of it!
    Kiss from Antwerp city!

  18. Awesome footage guys! Hope you’re having great experiences out there. Don’t forget me, write soon! Bon voyage! xSIMON

  19. Hio you two!
    Brilliant emails, keep them coming.
    Miss you loads. Lots to tell you.
    Cobra being prepped for serious stuff next season…..
    Just nee the bo….ks to drive it quickly enuf!
    Love Tone xxxx

  20. Hey guys….
    Fantastic photos…
    I`m from Iran and living in England.I found your website from my friend who met you in Yazd.
    Hope you`re enjoying being in Iran.I`m looking forward to seeing more pics from Iran.
    Wish you luck with your journey.
    by the way…I saved some of your photos if you don`t mind!

  21. BOyssssssssssssssssss. I miss you both. Rupes, just had a lovely chat with your lovely mama. She updated me on all the current news, good luck going through pakistan although i know you don’t need it as you’ve both planned and prepared your trip so much… you’ll be fine you lil explorers. Amazing photos, nice to perk up the dark cold english nights.

    Will email you soon with my news.

    Huge hugs and kisses to you both and the cactus if he’s still there

    peace and love j xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  22. Hi you two, you look to be havin fun. I told you the brakes wont last, I expect it will be the suspension next if you keep going off road!! . great paint job on van I will pop over with my van for
    a bit of custom paint.
    Glad to see you and the van are ok.Brilliant pics keep on truckin


  23. Sweet roadtrippers,

    lovely seeing you both being happy in Iran! I’m still doubting to come to India, not sure yet… But I will certainly change the date of my flight to the end of Jan or begin Feb. Henry, I would like to talk to you over msn, don’t be afraid, I’m really happy for you! I hope you heard about the critical situation in Pakistan and I really hope you’ll get through!
    Oh yes, Jesse asked me if he could use a picture (the one with Rupert standing in the woods, with the sunlight on the background) to make decoration.
    Lots of love from la tropica Belgica (NOT)
    Hope to get some news soon!

  24. Hi guys, Henry got your email earlier & thought i’d leave a comment here, can’t believe I last saw you 2 years ago in the engineering dept. and now you’re driving round the world in that funky van!

    I wish you all the best on your journey, keep up the great pics they are fascinating. I can’t think of much to say but this quote comes to mind:

    “We need spirited, energetic and strong young people whose hearts are filled with life, enthusiasm, zeal and dynamism; whose souls are full of ambition, aspiration and vigor and have great goals, rising and aspiring to reach them until they eventually arrive at their destination.”
    – Hasan al-Banna

  25. Hello guys.
    love u both but more the van.HA ha ha ,Ho ho ho….
    we will going to see u. cant wait.
    hold on to your friend.
    take care amigos.
    Anna & benji.

  26. Love the piccies! Difficult to tell which are the genuine monkeys though!
    bring back a little sunshine eventually. Glad you two arent doing the “quickest Michelin road guide to India.”

    Have an excellent hot, curried Christmas
    PS You can take Sherman next time, might calm him down a bit

  27. Well well well, as I sit in the worlds most boring country in the world, surrounded by dumb americans, waiting for the wind to drop so i can fly, it seems that you two have at last got to India. The pics look fab, and i’m sure a jug of ale at the plasterers some time, and a lot of good stories will come out! I hope your staying safe, and I like the new art work on the side of your van! I’m back in the sunny UK in Feb, equipped with my commercial pilots licence, so I hope to see you then.
    Safe trip guys, and catch you soon…

  28. Hey both of you! I hope you are still O.K and travelling lightly without problems. India looks just great! Definitely one of my next destinations. Thanks again for driving me around in Iran! I want to wish you another crazy year. Take care wherever you are.

  29. hi henry and Rupert,

    don’t know if you still remember me…I’m the indian friend from cloé from belgium, we met in hungary at nomansland festival…I was looking on the internet for your blog and found it!!!!…I can see, you already had a good time and reached india…I just want to let you know, that I am coming to india…I am coming with my boy friend and we will arive in MUMBAI on the second of february…we will stay there for a few days..and then take the train to GOA..after we want to travel more south, to explore KERALA…we will stay untill the first of march, then we take the plane from mumbai back to belgium…maybe we can meet some time…it would be very nice to see each other again,i think..if this is possible offcourse,this is my e-mail: (removed)
    (so you can let me know where you are…if you want offcourse…and then maybe we can meet some time)

    i wish you a lot of luck, a very interesting, special trip and that all your wishes may come true!!!

  30. Hi Henry / Rupert,

    I’m the guy who came over to speak to you after seeing your T4 undergoing repairs in Mapusa, Goa (sorry if I have shattered anyone’s illusions about VW reliability here!).

    Anyway … Well done! As I told you, it’s been an ambition of mine to do the journey for many years. One day I’ll get my finger out!

    Good luck on the way back!



  31. hi Rupert
    hope all is well. i am likely to be out in north India around 20-27 april. any chance you might still be around there?

  32. Great photos. I think it looks the most wonderful, peaceful place in the world.
    I think you can see the whole world from there.

    Good luck and the best for you guys.


  33. Hello guys and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    I think you don’t know that tomorrow in Iran at 9:18am we will have a New Year because it’s the first day of spring and everything in nature becomes new.

    Best wishes for the new year!

    Anna and Ben

  34. Well done guys.. Fantastic lil tour, really cool site. Nice pics, easy to navigate…

    Its a shame u kept the picts of the swedish sunbathing team u met in Pakistan private. I understand.

  35. Hi guys!
    How are you,I hope you are fine.
    i saw your pichurs which is you shooted in pakistan.these are very biutifull.but my pichurs are not in this site,i am very engry abute this thing.can you talk with me at yahoo.com
    you can take my Email adrees and talk to me ok.(www.zahid_lightx86@yahoo.com)
    plz i am waiting for you.I mised you guays.ok byyyyyyyyyyy……..

  36. Hi guys!
    How are you,i hope you would be fine & traveling many other places.I saw your pictures those were cool but i could,nt find mine please upload my pictures which you shot at serena hotel Quetta.
    so im very dishearted please don,t do this to me i,ll be very thankful to you,and take my Email address(www.zahid_lightx86@yahoo.com)

  37. hii rupert.. I malatyadan mehmet…painter…Your voice never went out of your breath..have missed you.photos came out very good..I would like to take such beautiful pictures, but not my machine..student is still continuing…in a poverty..Do not miss your

  38. Dear Henry Lockett and Rupert Alcock,
    This is Vivek Dogra from India. I read about your journey from England to India. Really it was amazing to read about your trip. I can imagine how much fun you had. First of all let me introduce myself. I am a university student in India. I am 19 years old. Actually, me and two of my German friends, Caren and Phatta who are also university students in Germany, are planning to do a trip all the way from Germany to India by car. Being very much interested in adventure and different cultures, one day we were just talking about it and finally we made our mind to do this trip during the summer of 2012. I am doing some research related to same, and while doing so I came to know about you guys. So if it is possible for you I would need some information from your side to make our journey a success. I will wait for your reply and will write to you accordingly. I will really appreciate your help. Thank you 🙂

    With warm regards
    Vivek, Caren and Phatta.

  39. Hey guys!
    Lovely blog. Fantastic photos!!! I have been through many of the places in your photos, I think I recognise some of the Levies guards!

    So have you settled back into English life or have you travelled again?

    Peace, David

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